Omega Engineering

  • Update Date:2024-01-07
  • View:257
  • Brief Discription:Omega is a global leader in the technical marketplace, offering more than 100,000 state-of-the-art products for the measurement and control of temperature, humidity, pressure, force, flow, level, pH, and conductivity.


In 1962, Betty Ruth Hollander, a 32-year-old mother of four, founded Omega Engineering, Inc. at her kitchen table. 

Mrs. Hollander began by making at night ultra-fine-gauge thermocouples, 

 product commercially unavailable at the time. 

She advertised by mailing flyers to engineers and scientists. 

By day she took sales calls and shipped the product.

Over 49 years as Chairman and CEO, Mrs. Hollander led Omega to become an international product development 

and manufacturing powerhouse and the world's trusted one-stop-source for 

over 100,000 process measurement and control products and solutions.

From day one, Mrs. Hollander's steadfast business principles were an uncompromised commitment to 

total customer satisfaction, the dignity of every individual, and continuous improvement. 

Mrs. Hollander’s oft-repeated motto was 'At Omega, the Customer is King.'

And those ultra-fine-gauge thermocouples that Mrs. Hollander first made at her kitchen table, 

Omega still makes and sells lots of them.


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